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  • Writer's pictureIvan Jaquez

Your Method of Escape...

Many people have their own unique methods of escape. Others feel lost and not know how to approach a particular situation or life in general. I have found that having an escape from reality is very beneficial when you are stuck between 'a rock and a hard place'. Of course this isn't something new and I didn't just break ground on a new discovery. Generally we have scenarios where people do not know how to cope and adjust to everyday life events, for instance the world's pandemic.

To the left is a picture of my 2019 Yamaha Bolt. Isn't she sweet? Although I haven't been able to 'take it for a spin' as much as I'd like, I still appreciate the fact that if and when I need my method of escape, it's there for the taking. I have owned 2 different motorcycles in my lifetime both of which were from the same make. Anytime that I felt like I needed to get away and escape reality, my bike was there to assist me with that. I like to call that "Wind Therapy". It allows me to relax and clear my mind when my anxiety levels get haywire. Sometimes in life we need those escapes to be able to regroup and keep ourselves grounded.

At this current time we are all dealing with COVID-19, which is a horrifying virus that has already taken the lives of many with no end in sight, yet. In the beginning stages of this whole pandemic, riding my Bolt was really not a viable option because of the risk out there. With that I turned to Podcasting. There is something about podcasting that I really enjoy, and maybe its not the actual podcasting and what is involved with it but more so the freedom and the ability of speaking your mind and escaping.

Trying to engage an audience and have a discussion has become a goal for me. Starting out in podcasting or creating a YouTube channel is no easy task. Yes you can go out there and record and upload content, but that does not mean that it will translate to success. I need to be dedicated and ambitious to meet my goal. It'll be an interesting feat nonetheless.

My escapes are simple and I know they'll be different than yours. Not everyone is into podcasting and not everyone has a motorcycle, but the important thing here is about having a 'method of escape'.

What is your method of escape? How did you discover that this method helped you relax the mind? Have you experienced something in which you needed to escape reality for a bit. What are your thoughts?

Lets Talk!

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